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The absolute best way to get your Sketch file into After Effects

after effects Feb 20, 2019

I created a quick tutorial to show you the best way to get your sketch file to After Effects.

Here’s the backstory.

Over the last few years, Sketch has crushed the UX design workflow. Not to say that everyone uses Sketch, but a lot of designers do.

Getting your Sketch file into After Effects used to be a major pain. A while ago, I created a tutorial which basically involved rebuilding your assets in Illustrator and then going to AE. It was not pretty but it worked.

Then, a couple years ago Google released a free nifty plugin called Sketch2AE. It was a game changer and completely awesome. It was also was a bit buggy and annoying. But it was still amazing.  

A new version of this plugin has been released. Adam Plouff is the super awesome, amazing, and helpful human behind this. He calls it AEUX. It is free.

All in all, I am highly impressed with this new plugin. I think Adam did an amazing job.

I don’t know him but if I did, I would say, “Hey Adam, you are an amazing and generous human. Thank you for being awesome.”

What I love about this is that it creates shape layers and live type. This makes going from Sketch to After Effects utterly painless.

Happy prototyping,

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